Why I’m not a feminist- part 2

Hi guys, Here is the second part to why I'm not a feminist, if you haven't read part 1, go and check it out first here! Before I start I would just like to clarify something which a few people got a little confused about in my first post, this may be because I did… Continue reading Why I’m not a feminist- part 2

The importance of sleep

Having been very busy recently with having 2 jobs, writing my final assignments for my first year at university, and still trying to keep my fitness levels improving while having somewhat or a social life, you could say my body has been a little deprived of sleep. As a fitness lifestyle advocate I am constantly… Continue reading The importance of sleep

Tips for reaching your goals

Throughout our lives, whether on a yearly, weekly or daily basis we set ourselves some goals we would like to achieve. These can be career goals, sporting goals or personal ones, new years resolutions. Some of these could be quite daunting to reach or sometimes seem a little unrealistic. For each of your goals break… Continue reading Tips for reaching your goals

Invest in yourself

With summer slowly passing through and the new academic year approaching fast, many people will be thinking about their next steps in life. This could be their next year in school, going to university for the first time or getting back into the flow of working, after spending some time with their family and friends.… Continue reading Invest in yourself

A change of mindset

Have you ever found yourself feeling really down and upset about situations you can't change? Or feeling like you aren't in control of your own life or future? That decisions are being made for you and you just kinda go along with it? Maybe you aren't trying your best and are just complacent with your… Continue reading A change of mindset

Put yourself first

Putting others people feelings, wishes and needs before your own is a selfless act we are all encouraged to do, it helps to open your mind to new ways of thinking and understanding other people. This is GREAT to do! Sometimes when we do this enough we can forget to understand our own situations and… Continue reading Put yourself first

Diet or lifestyle choice?

With summer fast approaching and gyms offering those 'transformation' packages to get that summer body you desperately want to look cute on holiday, people (mainly girls) will think about dieting. Dieting can be quite a controversial topic, especially if you are wanting to crash diet. Many will often turn to Instagram models or fitness models… Continue reading Diet or lifestyle choice?

Hunt Fitness 30 Challenge Review

#GoalSmashRepeat!  For those of y'all reading this that know me, you'll know I am a slight fitness addict. Most of those 30 day challenges out these I have probably tried - squat challenge? Ab challenge? done them all and lets be honest, unless you're just getting into fitness these things don't tend to work. That's… Continue reading Hunt Fitness 30 Challenge Review