Hunt Fitness 30 Challenge Review


For those of y’all reading this that know me, you’ll know I am a slight fitness addict. Most of those 30 day challenges out these I have probably tried – squat challenge? Ab challenge? done them all and lets be honest, unless you’re just getting into fitness these things don’t tend to work. That’s not to say body weight exercises don’t work because they really do and I love doing them every day in my bedroom but who really has the time and energy to do 200 air squats at once?

So why the Hunt Fitness 30 day Challenge? Like most gyms, the one I go to offers a whole range of awesome classes and Charlotte is one of the trainers there who takes some of the classes. One of her classes is ‘bootcamp’ and this is my favorite class to attend, but that’s for a different post. This is how I know Charlotte and how I found out about HER 30 day fitness challenge.

Charlotte is a level 3 personal trainer with a huge passion for helping others and will cater for all fitness levels. The energy she brings to every session helps to motivate you to really do your best! I feel I should say that Charlotte is not my personal trainer.

What is the Hunt fitness 30 day challenge? 

This is a fitness and well being challenge, based in a private Facebook group. At the start of each week Charlotte will set an array of challenges; there is a group challenge, several personal challenges and a workout to complete. Most of these personal and group challenges will push you slightly out of your comfort zone, this may sound slightly scary to some of you but remember that’s how we improve!

This is very interactive! Almost daily Charlotte will post something motivational on there or will do a Facebook Live for everyone, during these videos she will make her messages personal to everyone in the group. Everyone is encouraged to post updates on their challenges in that group also, not only does this help us to motivate and encourage each other but it also helps you understand how much fitness and well being can positively impact lives. This challenge started on March 1st for our group, giving us 5 weeks of challenges. In each week there was a group challenge, several personal challenges along with a workout to complete. I won’t go into detail about each of the weeks but I will give an overall review of each week which will give you an idea some of the challenges they included:

charlotte hunt

Week 1:

This first weeks challenges were all about you, making us think more deeply about what makes us happy and our why. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to complete at all. As I mentioned in my previous post at the end of last month I quit my full time job. At the start of this month I was incredibly unhappy with myself and everything that was happening so this was really hard for me. I didn’t really have a reason to get out of bed each day. I had to go to Charlotte for some advice to help me do these. By the end of the week I completed almost all of the challenges, already just these challenges made me feel so much better about myself and it gave me complete trust in Charlotte – I don’t trust people very easily so this was a major win already! The workout, I loved it!! This was an Ab workout, it really helped push me and I’ll defiantly be doing this often!

Week 2:

This week’s challenges are full of positivity! It’s amazing how just writing down things you are grateful for each day will shift your mood! This week included mindfulness meditation; I was very skeptical about this, I have tried meditating before and yoga and other similar things but it really worked this time! For this I downloaded an app called ‘Calm’ (there are loads of apps you can use) I have continued to do this some days and it really does help, during these little sessions you can feel your whole body relax! If you are going through a stressful situation like I was give it a try!

Week 3:

This was probably the week I enjoyed the most! We had to do some reading, I love reading! I took this challenge to get back into reading a book I started months ago; body language for dummies – this book is actually on my mum’s kindle so I find it a little harder to read than actual books. Drinking 2.7 Liters of water each day, it sounds like a lot and it really is! People often forget how many health benefits that water has especially if they are wanting to lose weight, clear their skin, feel better, I won’t go into the benefits but that’s something you should check out! Build your booty workout, leg day is my thing!! I love training legs and squatting heavy so I was pretty excited about this one. For me, this challenge wasn’t too hard. If I were to do this workout again I would have to add some weights to feel more benefits but the workout is a great foundation and it really does work all the muscles you want it to! Again this week focuses on having a positive mind, writing down 3 wins everyday is a great habit to get into especially when you are having a day day.

Week 4:

This week’s challenges I will admit I only completed a couple of them. One part of this week was about taking a step to overcome out fears. I’m not going to write what my biggest fear is, that’s for another time but it’s something I never want to face or overcome it. This workout featured some of my favorite exercises, I actually found it harder than I thought I would which is great!

Week 5: the final week

The group challenge i’m not crazy keen on this week, we had to limit the amount of technology we use. I choose for this to mean not using my phone as a phone, so I can still listen to music on it, to some this may still be using technology but I cannot live without music. This is also a little hard for me being a student since all my studying is done online, especially since my new modules open this week. Tone it up workout, wow that was hard! I probably tried using slightly too high weights for this but I will be doing this workout every week now I think! 3 positive affirmations, I’m not great with. While this 30 day challenge has helped me to be a much more positive person, telling myself I am something positive is much harder.

Would I do it again? 

YES!!! While there have been some challenges I have chosen not to take part in overall this 30 day challenge has been such a great experience! The timing of events happening right before this also made completing it so much more rewarding and has completely helped to change my outlook on events. At the start of this I was so lost in life, I had no idea what I wanted or how to make anything better. Now coming towards the end of this challenge, I feel so much better about myself, I’m starting to enjoy life again and have changed my mood from very doubtful to thinking maybe I can actually achieve something. Charlotte has been incredible the whole time! Constantly making sure everyone is staying motivated throughout, her empathy and care about everyone really does make you feel important and proud of your achievements. I’m not even sure I could compliment this woman and her work ethic enough, she really is inspiring!

 I will put a link to Charlotte’s Facebook page here  Check it out and see how she can help change your life! 🙂

As I said at the start I don’t normally like 30 day challenges but this is something everyone should try! The best part about this is you don’t even have to go to the gym! All of these workouts can be completed from home. A few of the people in this group are from different parts of the country, even from overseas!

While as a group we were asked to write testimonials, I could have done this on the private Facebook group where Charlotte could use if she wanted however, I decided this is something I know a lot of people would really enjoy and would benefit from which is why I chose to do a full review on here. If anyone is interested in some of the workouts from this group I would be more than happy to share them with you.


Until next time,



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